Saturday, June 11, 2011


I’m in preparation mood for Australia. With only 10 days to go I’m busy packing, dinners, parties, looking for apartments, and selling off even more stuff. Even thought I haven’t taken off yet, the journey of an immigrant has been an interesting one. No matter what happens once I land, this process has been amazing and well worth it. I’ve realized a bunch of things:

I’ve realized how small the world has become: So many people I know have already been to Australia or know somebody who lives there giving me a host of people to contact once I land.

I’ve realized it is so important to have people to support you: I have people who love me and will let me cry, vent, or babble on in excitement no matter what the emotion of the minute may be. I know there are people in my life who support me.

I’ve realized moments of connection can happen when you are open to them: After deciding to move to Australia I meant a few people in unexpected places. A friend of a friend I met after a kickball game gave me the suggestion of the Visa that enabled me to leave. While visiting my boyfriend in DC I met a girl who just moved from Sydney to NYC.

I’ve realized how things can come back around: I got my Masters in Social Welfare almost four years ago. It was a difficult time in my life but I think its important to finish what you start. Turns out a MSW gets a 60 out of 60 points in the Aussie scale for education needed to get a Visa.

I’ve realized how attached I am to material possessions: I’m attempting to whittle my stuff down to two suitcases, plus the box at my parent’s house. I can and will live with less clutter.

I’ve realized our lives are constantly in transition: Whether that is moving, looking for or starting a new job, buying a house, getting in or out of a romantic relationship, having a baby, making new friends, everyone has change in life.

I've realized craigslist people can be crazy: The person buying my tv asking if I had closets, the old man who wants to tell me that everything I owe is crap do I want to sell it for $5, the lady whose cat, dog, bug, boyfriend, boss, and herself all had to go to the er instead of saying she no longer wanted the rug...

I’ve realized there can be joy even in uncertainty: I don’t know what is going to happen. But I do know that it will be amazing. If you face fears and challenges, what you get out of it is its own reward and sets the stage for great things to happen.


  1. Really cool that you're going! I've heard so many awesome things about Australia- I've always wanted to go! How long will you be there- indefinitely?? Keep us posted on your blog!

  2. I hope you keep blogging once you are there. This is a story I want to keep following.
