Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Now that I have adjusted to most things in my new home country, I've realized that I slipped back into the state of not seeing adventure in the little things of life. For example, a recent adventure was learning to drive on the other side of the road.

My new job... have I mentioned yet that I got a new job about 5 weeks ago? Probably not. It makes my fifth job in a year. I won't say much about it in a public forum for a blog but suffice to say it is a challenging position, they want to sponsor me (!!!) and they gave me a car.

Driving over here wasn't as difficult as I imagined. I think this is partly due to not having driven frequently for years in NYC. Shifting gears with my left hand, not a problem. Making sure my right turns were wide, not a problem. Going though roundabouts, not a problem. But the turn signal being on the right hand side as created a world of difficulty. I go to show I am making a left and turn and my windshield wipers go full on. Why this action more than any of the others refuses to change in the long term memory, I am not sure. But I do find it amusing on my commute home.

The funniest part is, eight months of living here and in my head I picture it as it is here. I tried to explain the road rules of the States and I couldn't fully describe them. It is similar to what I think other people feel the first time they dream in their new language, the excited starting to belong in the new place and culture.