Tuesday, December 21, 2010


The past few months have been very full of events. The marathon, dance practice gearing up for another competition in the spring, and starting my AFP program in Skydiving. It leads to an amazingly full life… and also stress fractures. The past four weeks I have been forced to change how I live my life with varying degrees of success. Unable to dance, jump, or even walk quickly.

I love all of the things I do but what do I miss by rushing around? A couple weekends ago I got to see the inside of the Washington Monument in DC. There are 897 stairs but also an elevator. I would love to know how they inserted it after the monument was built. Along the inside are 193 blocks given by states, cities, and other entities to honor our first president. The alternative, less altruistic, motive was to provide the stones when funding ran out. They are completely unseen from the outside. There are hidden treasures all over if you slow down enough to see them.

While in DC I also had my first official at-a-spa massage. The timing was perfect as I adjust to learning to slow down. (Plus it's a DayZero item) I’m one of the only people I know of who tenses up at a massage and have to continually be told to relax. I was a lot more successful in this one than in past mini massages after facials.

My favorite part of the Pixar film ‘Up’ is the girl’s adventure book. Ellie loves adventure and has a scrapbook where she records everything. In the end, it turns out she saw her whole life as an adventure shared with her childhood friend who became her husband, even though she never got to build the house on Paradise Falls. It is a sweet, endearing part of the movie. I think about it a lot as I go flying around the world. Is adventure really about the things I do? Or is it rather more about my approach and attitude towards all aspects of life? And the type of people I choose to fill my life with? There can be adventure in the quiet moments of life too. Granted, as soon as the doctor says I can, I am back on the dance floor and in the sky. Being chill can only last for so long.

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