Adventure for me is an intriguing word. Growing up it meant simply “We’re lost. Be prepared for a very long car ride.” Adventure as a term had little to do with the actual event that motivated us to get in the car in the first place. It never applied to the museum that we explored or the experience of building our clubhouse, but to the cramped ride itself. As I got older it still held negative connotations. Moving would be an adventure, as would starting middle school. The tag “Adventure” was supposed to instantly inspire enthusiasm and infinite patience into otherwise unpleasant events.
It took a long time for me to admit I love adventure. The short hike on the “well- marked” trail spent wandering for hours making our own path, stands out from the other weekend hikes. The chance to go to a party where the only things I know are the address and the name of the date of a friend of the boyfriend of the host’s ex-roommate, is a small but exhilarating risk.
I live with controlled spontaneity, searching for the next story, the next adventure. I tend to speak of plans like they are guaranteed. It doesn’t work to tell me all the reasons I can’t buy a condo right now or why I won’t visit all seven continents by the time I’m 30. I’m aware of limiting logistics and choose to be excited for possibilities in spite of them. Many times logic catches up with the visions. But the times I live for, the moments that stand out against all others, are all the times where everything falls into place.
The other thing about adventure is one has to be willing to try again, in spite of hurt and disappointment and fear. I was going to Africa countless times before I actually went to Kenya. My sanguine nature tends to unconditionally believe all the pieces will come together. And if it doesn’t work… at least it will be an adventure.
I had a hard time coming up with a blog name. What defines me? Better yet, what do I want to define me? The blog titles of most of my friends revolve either around work or spouses. Although NYC is truly where I belong- for now- mentioning it in a blog title clearly distinguishes me as someone relatively new. While I’ve been in the work force for a while, I miss the days and nights of sledding on dining hall trays, playing volleyball in inches of mud, and starting a game of soccer at 3am just because. My title is an effort to strive for and see the possibility of adventure no matter what constraints are in my life.
An exciting new chapter for TED
2 weeks ago
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